Tuesday 28 June 2011

Week 3

Through the duration of this week I designed and created the base and gears for the turntable platform that the pieces of lego will be falling onto once they have been detected by the light sensor and rolled along the conveyor belt.

I had a few troubles whilst creating this section of the Automated Manufacturing System (AMS). My first problem was actually figure out how i will support the gears that are going to turn the platform and what pieces of lego i will need to use to do so. Then once I had done that and gone ahead a created this section it was obvious that the way I had set it up wasn't strong enough to support the gears. After seeing this I re-assembled parts and added elements that then strongly supported the structure and enabled the gears to run smoothly.
Along with doing these things I also assisted the other members in our team if they needed help with any of the construction of other parts of the AMS, which shows how well we work as a team because we are there for one another if they are stuck with certain things.

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