Thursday 30 June 2011

Week 5

This week we had finalised our final design of our Automated Manufacturing System. All we had to do was complete and perfect the programming to make our sorting system the fastest we could. Below is a photo of our final AMS design fully constructed.

As all of the final construction was done what I did this week was assist Daniel with ideas with the programming to get the best potential from the sorting system to make it go the fastest it can. When we put the AMS into storage after monday's lesson the light sensor had moved a little. The light sensors position is crucial because the slightest movement can change the light reading to determine what colour the blocks are. During Tuesday's lesson I had to spend a decent amount of time during the lesson and throughout lunch with Daniel to reposition the light sensor so the readings were correct again and the blocks were sorting correctly into the right sections. Also if any other member needed a hand with anything I was there to help them out to the best of my ability.

Over the 5 weeks of our assignment I have enjoyed my time working with our team and and very happy with our final product and how it all turned out.

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